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[Java001] 자바(Java)란 무엇인가?

[Java001]자바(Java)란 무엇인가?

1. 자바의 탄생

자바는 1991년1991년 6월 가정용 전자제품에서 작동하는 프로그램을 개발할 목적적인셋톱 프로젝트를 위해 제임스 고슬링(James Gosling)이 만들었다. 당시 Sun은 가전제품용 프로그램을 C++로 작성하였다. 하지만 C++에서 제공하는 기능들이 너무 다양하고 문법이 복잡해서 단순한 가전제품에 어울리지 않다고 판단하였다. 그래서 가전제품에 탑재가능한 언어를 만들게 된다. 이것이 현재 의 모체가 되는 오크(Oak)라는 언어이다.원래 제임스 고슬링의 사무실 밖에 있던 오크 나무를 따라 오크(Oak), 혹은 그린(Green) 이라고도 불렀으나 단어 리스트 중 무작위로 뽑은 자바(Java)를 선택했다.

자바의 목표이자, 고슬링의 목표는 개발자의 확보와 사용자 편의성을 고려하여 C/C++ 스타일의 언어를 만드는 것과 어떤 기계에서도 동작할 수 있도록 하는 것이였다. 모든 기계에서 독립적으로 실행 가능하도록 만들기 위해서 가상 머신을 설계하고 구현하였다. 그 당시 회사내에서 월드와이드웹이 활발하게 사용되기 시작한 시점에, Sun의 창업자의 한 명인 빌 조이(Billjoy)는 오크가 인터넷과 웰드 와이드 웹에 사용될 수 있다는 가능성을 발견하게 되었고 빌 조이의 판단에 따라 FirstPerson 프로젝트를 이끌던 제임스 고슬링(James Gosling)과 패트릭 녹턴(patrick Naughton)이 오크 언어를 완벽한 인터넷 개발 환경으로 만드는 작업을 시작하여 1995년 중반에 자바 언어가 공식적으로 발표되기 이르렀다. (출처 : http://hyen0330.egloos.com/22859)

첫 공개 버전은 1995년의 자바 1.0 이었다. 한번 쓰고 어느 곳에도 실행 "Write Once, Run Anywhere" 하는 것을 약속하였고 인기 플랫폼에 무료 런타임을 제공하였다. 이 플랫폼은 꽤 안정성을 지녔고 보안 시스템은 여러 설정을 통해 네트워크 및 파일 접근을 통제할 수 있었다. 대부분의 브라우저들은 곧 자바 애플릿(Java Applet) 을 웹 페이지 안에서 실행할 수 있었고 자바의 인기는 급상승했다.

국내에선 1999년 새롬기술이 ‘다이얼패드’라는 인터넷 무료전화 서비스를 출시해 이른바 ‘대박’을 터뜨렸다. 광고를 보면 해외에 있는 지인과도 무료 통화를 할 수 있게 한 시스템이였는데, 새롬기술은 서비스 출시 한 달 만에 주가 30만원을 기록하며 삼성전자 시가총액을 능가하는 황제주로 부상했다[각주:1]. 비록 다이얼 패드는 성공하지 못했지만 한 때 미국시장에 성공적으로 진출했다는 평가를 받았고 전성기일 때는 1000만명에 이르는 가입자를 확보한 적도 있었다. 그런데 다이얼 패드가 사용했던 기술이 바로 Java Applet이었다. 성공은 못했지만 사람들의 관심을 끌기 시작했고 자바 자체가 인터넷을 염두에 두고 고안했던 언어였기 때문에 인터넷의 급속한 발전과 함께 자바 또한 급속하게 성장하게 된다. 이를 시기한 마이크로소프트에 의해 웹브라우저에서 VM이 빠진 적도 있었지만 열화와 같은 대중의 욕지거리에 힘입어 VM을 다시는 뺄 수 없게 된적도 있었다.

자바 2 (JDK 1.2 ~ 1.4) 의 출현으로 여러 다양한 플랫폼에서 사용 할 수 있는 설정(Configuration) 들을 만들었다. 예를 들어 J2EE 는 엔터프라이즈 애플리케이션을 실행할 수 있고 J2ME 는 모바일 애플리케이션을 실행할 수 있다. J2SE는 스탠다드 에디션 으로 지정되었다. 2006년에 마케팅 용으로 Java EE, Java ME, Java SE 순서대로 명칭을 바꾸었다.

현재 자바는 3가지 에디션을 가지고 있는 데 Java ME, Java SE, Java EE가 그것이다. 휴대폰, PC, 대기업 서버에 각각 사용된다. 라고 생각해도 크게 무방할 것이다.

자바 플랫폼 마이크로 에디션(Java Platform, Micro Edition, 약자 Java ME)을 말한다. Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition라고도 불리며, Java ME 혹은 J2ME 등으로도 널리 알려져 있다. 제한된 자원을 가진 휴대전화, PDA, 세트톱박스 등에서 Java 프로그래밍 언어를 지원하기 위해 만들어진 플랫폼 중 하나를 가리킨다.

자바 플랫폼 스탠더드 에디션(Java Platform, Standard Edition, 약자 Java SE)는 자바 플랫폼에서 가장 널리 쓰이는 자바 API의 집합체이다. 예전에는 J2SE로 불리었으나 버전 6.0이후에 Java SE로 변경되었다. 이전에는 썬 마이크로시스템즈에서 관리하였으나, J2SE 1.4 이후는 JCP 주도하에 개발되고 있다. 따라서, JSR 59에는 J2SE 1.4를, JSR 176에는 J2SE 5.0(프로젝트명 타이거)를, Java SE 6 (프로젝트명 무스탕)은 JSR 170 하에 개발되었다.

자바 플랫폼, 엔터프라이즈 에디션(Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, 약자 Java EE)은 자바를 이용한 서버측 개발을 위한 플랫폼이다. Java EE 플랫폼은 PC에서 동작하는 표준 플랫폼인 Java SE에 부가하여, 웹 애플리케이션 서버에서 동작하는 장애복구 및 분산 멀티티어를 제공하는 자바 소프트웨어의 기능을 추가한 서버를 위한 플랫폼이다. 이전에는 J2EE라 불리었으나 버전 5.0 이후로 Java EE로 개칭되었다. (출처 : 위키피디아)

썬 마이크로시스템즈는 1997년 ISO/IEC JTC1 표준화 그룹, 그리고 나중에는 ECMA International 그룹과 접촉하여 정식 승인 받으려 했으나 곧 이 프로세스에서 철수 했다. 자바는 사실상 (de facto) 의 표준이며 자바 커뮤니티 프로세스(Java Community Process) 를 통해 관리가 된다.

썬 마이크로시스템즈는 자바의 대부분을 무료로 배포하였으나 오픈이 아닌 Proprietary 소프트웨어였다. 썬 마이크로시스템즈는 자바 엔터프라이즈 시스템같은 특정 라이선스를 팔아서 수입을 올렸다. 썬사는 자사의 개발용(소프트웨어 개발 키트 (SDK))과 개발용의 일부인 실행용 (자바 런타임 환경, JRE) 을 구분한다. 실행용에는 컴파일러, 유틸리티 및 여러 개발용 헤더 파일이 포함되어 있지 않다.

2006년 11월 13일 썬 마이크로시스템즈는 대부분은 자바를 GPL 라이선스로 소스를 오픈하였으며 2007년 5월 8일 이 과정을 마쳤다. 썬 마이크로시스템즈가 권한을 가지고 있지 않은 대부분의 코어 부분을 오픈하였다.

2009년 4월 20일 제작사인 썬 마이크로시스템즈가 오라클과 인수합병됨에 따라 자바에 대한 권리 및 유지보수 또한 오라클로 넘어가게 되었다.

2. 자바의 발전

자바의 버전은 보통 Java SE 또는 JDK/JRE의 버전으로 말한다.JDK(Java Development Kit)는 표준 라이브러리를 포함하며, JDK 버전이 바뀜에 따라 이 라이브러리가 확대되고 API가 바뀐다.초기 1.0/1.1 버전에서 JDK/JRE의 명칭을 사용하다가 Java 1.2가 발표되면서 J2SDK/J2RE라고 개명하여 사용했으나 기존의 명칭으로 사용하는 사람들이 많아 현재는 다시 JDK/JRE의 명칭으로 돌아왔다.또한 J2SE(Java2 Standard Edition)라는 명칭 또한 Java SE(Java Standard Edition)으로 변경하였다.또한 버전체계의 메이저 버전(소숫점 위)이 계속 1.x로 고정되어 마이너 업데이트로 여기는 경우들이 있어 1.5 버전부터 5.0(1.5), 6.0(1.6)의 형태로 제품 버전을 코드버전과 별개로 발표하고 있다.

언어 자체는 자바언어명세(Java Language Specification, JLS)에서 정의되며 판(edition)으로 구분한다. JDK가 확장되는 동안 언어는 2판에서 거의 변화가 없었으나, JDK 5와 함께 바뀐 JLS 3판에서 제네릭(generic) 타입, 애너테이션(annotation) 같은 기능이 도입되면서 상당히 바뀌었다.JDK 7에서는 자바 언어에 상당한 변화가 계획되어 있었으나 JDK 7로 예정되었던 변화가 JDK 7와 JDK 8으로 나눠지면서 JDK 7에는 상대적으로 사소한 언어 특성만이 추가되었다. 구체적으로 이진수 표기 추가, 가독성을 위해 수 표기에 밑줄(underscore)을 허용, 스위치 문(switch에서 문자열 사용, 제네릭 타입 객체 생성 시 타입 추론(type inference), 자동 자원 해제를 위한 try 문법, 여러 예외 타입을 동시에 잡도록 허용하는 문법 등이 추가되었다.현재 자바언어는 JLS 3판, JDK는 버전 7이다.

JLS 1판

JLS 2판 :JDK 1.4: assertion 기능 추가

JLS 3판 : JDK 5

3. 자바언어의 특징

1) 자바 언어는 C/C++ 언어에서 문법을 차용해서 C/C++ 개발자를 흡수하고,개발 진입장벽을 낮춘 언어이다. 프로그램의 개념적인 내용은C/C++ 언어가 아니라 스몰토크(small talk)의 영향을 받았다. 그리고 C++의 복잡하고 난해한 문법은 모두 삭제하거나 변경하여 언어의 폭잡성을 대폭 낮췄다. C++에서 지원하는 포인터의 개념을 레퍼런스 개념으로 대처하도록 유도한다.

2) 자바의 가장 독특한 특징은 JVM이란 장치를 가지고 있다. C언어는 컴파일된 결과가 운영체제와 통신을 하지만, 자바는 가상의 운영체제인 JVM과 통신하게 된다. 자바는 JVM과 통신이 가독하도록 컴파일을 수행하고 JVM은 코드를 해석해서 운영체제와 통신한다. 이러한 운영형태는 C/C++에 비해서 실행 속도가 느리다는 단점이 있지만, JVM 덕분에 운영체제에 독립적인 실행이 가능하다. 또한 메모리 제어가 불가능하기 때문에 하드웨어에 직접적인 접근이 약간 어렵다는 단점이 있고, 메모리 제어가 불가능하기 떄문에 C언어의 고질적인 단점인 포인터 연산에 의한 오류가 일어나지 않는다.

[*]http://fury8208.egloos.com/2470977; 전체내용 참고하여 인용 및 추가

JDK 참고 열기

jdk 1.0




Programming environment available free for developers

Palo Alto, CA - January 23, 1996 - JavaSoft, the newly-formed operating company of Sun Microsystems, Inc., today announced that the Java™ 1.0 programming environment is now available for download at http://java.sun.com.

"Java's write-once-run-everywhere capability along with its easy accessibility have propelled the software and Internet communities to embrace it as the de facto standard for writing applications for complex networks," said Alan Baratz, JavaSoft's newly appointed president. "We're delighted to invite developers to download Java 1.0 immediately and start building the next killer application."

"Improving Java to create this strong 1.0 general release has been a great achievement for our team," said Ruth Hennigar, general manager of Java language and applications, JavaSoft. "Since our first alpha release to the web in March we have received a lot of developer feedback and have improved functionality and reliability. This release incorporates the components that software developers have told us they need -- the Java Applet Viewer for running and testing applets; the Java Compiler; a prototype debugger and the Java Virtual Machine to run Java-based programs. We've also included class libraries for graphics, audio, animation and networking."

Since its announcement in May 1995, Java has been widely used to create hundreds of "applets" or small applications which can be downloaded across a network and can run locally. Companies as perse as National Semiconductor, Precision Systems, Inc. and Starwave have already announced significant Java-based programs.

Available for free over the Internet

Developers will continue to have access to Java 1.0, free of charge. It is available for download at http://java.sun.com. In addition, a number of companies have licensed the Java source code to enhance their browsers, create development tools for Java programming, and to port the Java Virtual Machine to various operating systems. To date, 15 companies, including IBM, SGI, Netscape, Oracle and Toshiba have licensed Java Source, and Microsoft has announced that it intends to license Java.

Java 1.0 is available for the Windows 95 and NT on Intel® and Solaris™ on SPARC™ platforms today. Java 1.0 for Mac OS 7.5 is expected by the end of the first quarter of 1996.

"JavaSoft has targeted these four platforms that are all critical to Java's success," said Ruth Hennigar. "In addition, ports to other significant operating systems are underway outside of JavaSoft. For example, IBM has announced it would build ports for Microsoft Windows 3.1 and OS/2, and OSF has announced that it will build ports for additional versions of the UNIX® operating system."

Java-based applications are platform-independent; only the Java Virtual Machine needs to be ported to each platform. It acts as an interpreter between an end user's computer and the Java-based application. An application written in the Java environment can run anywhere, ending the need for porting applications to multiple platforms. The Java Virtual Machine is currently available to end users through JavaSoft's HotJava™, Netscape Navigator 2.0™ web browsers and will be available in Oracle's PowerBrowser™ and Spyglass' Mosaic™ browsers.

JavaSoft, headquartered in Palo Alto, is an operating company of Sun Microsystems Inc. The company's mission is to develop, market and support the Java technology and products based on it. Java supports networked applications and enables developers to write applications once that will run on any machine. JavaSoft develops applications, tools and systems platforms to further enhance Java as the programming standard for complex networks such as the Internet and corporate intranets.

With annual revenues of more than $6 billion, Sun Microsystems, Inc. provides products and services that enable customers to build and maintain open network computing environments. Widely recognized as a proponent of open standards, the company is involved in the design, manufacture and sale of products, technologies and services for commercial and technical computing. Sun's SPARC™ workstations, multiprocessing servers, SPARC microprocessors, Solaris operating software and ISO-certified service organization each rank No. 1 in the UNIX® industry. Sun's Java™ platform-independent programming environment, provides a comprehensive solution to the challenge of programming for complex networks, including the Internet. Sun Microsystems was founded in 1982, and is headquartered in Mountain View, California.

Sun, the Sun logo, Sun Microsystems, The Network is the Computer, Solaris, Java, HotJava and JavaSoft are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and in other countries. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, INC. in the United States and other countries. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon an architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and in other countries exclusively licensed through X/Open Company, Ltd. Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.

Press Release Finder

jdk 1.1




JDK 1.1 Offers Substantial AWT Improvements, Internationalization and Enterprise Features

February 19, 1997- The JDK 1.1 with major quality, performance and feature enhancements is nowavailable for downloadfrom http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.1. This release of the JDK includes:

  • JavaBeans[tm] APIs to enable developers to write re-usable components once and then run them anywhere

  • Dramatically improved AWT, with a revised graphical user interface (GUI) foundation that enables developers to create high-performance sophisticated GUI applications and applets that perform especially well in popular PC environments

  • Robust new features including JDBC[tm] for database connectivity, RMI for remote object access, and additional Java Security APIs

  • Global language support based on Unicode 2.0 standards
A few words on AWT and AFC:

There has been an enormous amount of discussion in the media in the last few weeks regarding Microsoft's AFC. A few key points have been buried in the dialogue, and we'd like to resurface them.

First, Microsoft's AFC might have been a good improvement on the AWT in Sun's JDK 1.0.2, but the new JDK 1.1 AWT -- which ships today -- is an even more dramatic step forward in Java foundation classes. If Microsoft would like to compete against our last generation product, they're welcome to. We're moving on, and we suggest our developers do too.

Second, Microsoft's AFCs won't ship until May. JDK 1.1 with the new AWT is available today. Now. Download it at http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.1 and see how much stronger it is.

Third, Of course we're happy to see Microsoft becoming converted to cross platform technology. We invite Microsoft to submit them to the 100% Pure Java test at that time.

Developers can look to JavaSoft for the technologies they need to create any and all groundbreaking Java applications.

PR Contacts for Press and Analysts:

JavaSoft Public Relations
Elizabeth McNichols
(408) 343-1684

Press Release Finder

jdk 1.2




Java™ 2 Brand Unveiled

NEW YORK CITY December 8, 1998- Sun Microsystems, Inc. today announced the availability of the Java 2 platform, the next release of the core Java technology (formerly code-named "JDK 1.2"). The Java 2 platform is the definitive environment for enterprises aiming to build and install web-centric software applications that can run on a variety of computers, servers and other computing devices. The new release provides significant performance improvements, a new, flexible security model and a complete set of Applications Programming Interfaces (APIs).

The Java 2 platform provides software programmers with the speed, security and functionality that make it easier than ever to create interoperable, mission-critical enterprise applications. The Java 2 platform is widely supported by the industry and is being endorsed by hundreds of industry-leading companies worldwide (see quote addendum).

"Java 2 is the ultimate platform for businesses competing in the networked economy," said Alan Baratz, president of Java Software at Sun Microsystems, Inc. "Representing a major release of the Java technology, the Java 2 platform provides the competitive advantage businesses need to leverage, protect and easily expand upon existing investments. With the Java 2 platform, companies can streamline business processes, take advantage of new types of business opportunities and compete in entirely new ways."

Developed in collaboration with the industry, the Java 2 platform represents the input of close to 200 Java software licensees as well as tens of thousands of Java technology developers.

"The new platform is truly the result of a unique partnership between Sun and the industry," Baratz continued. "Sun's participative development process enabled us to harness the energy and expertise of the industry to produce a powerful, `best-of-breed' Java platform efficiently and rapidly. The Java 2 platform is the model for technology development in a world of rapid change."

The Java 2 platform is available for immediate download athttp://java.sun.com/products/jdk. See attached summary for details on the new features of the Java 2 platform.


The Java 2 platform provides a more flexible security model, powerful performance enhancements, interoperability with other enterprise systems, easier application development, improved globalization and even more consistent cross-platform deployment.

The new features of the Java 2 platform include:

  • Java Security Model
    The state-of-the-art "sandbox" model has been expanded to give developers, users and system administrators the option to specify and manage a set of flexible security policies that govern which actions an application or applet can or cannot perform. The Java 2 platform security model includes new features such as:
    • Policy-based access control
    • Certificate interfaces (X.509 V3)

  • Performance Enhancements
    New enhancements for improved performance and responsiveness in the Java 2 platform include:
    • Native thread support for Solaris operating environment
    • Memory compression for loaded classes
    • Faster memory allocation and improved garbage collection
    • Pluggable virtual machine architecture for other virtual machines, including the forthcoming Java HotSpot VM
    • New Just in Time (JIT) compiler
    • Java Native Interface (JNI) conversion

  • Java Foundation Classes (JFC)
    The Java Foundation Classes are now core to the Java 2 platform and includes:
    • The Project Swing set of GUI components
    • Drag Drop
    • Java 2D API which provides new 2D and AWT graphics capabilities as well as printing support
    • The Java look and feel interface
    • A new Accessibility API

  • Globalization
    Enhanced Globalization in the Java 2 technology provides the following for a cross-cultural environment:
    • Input Method Framework (supports Japanese, Chinese, and Korean characters)
    • Complex output using the Java 2D API to provide a bi-directional, high-quality display of Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew and other character languages

  • Java Plug-in
    Java Plug-in for Web browsers, now included in the Java 2 platform, provides a runtime that is fully compatible with the Java virtual machine through easy download and install via widely deployed web browsers.

  • Java IDL (Interface Definition Language) API
    The Java IDL API offers standards-based distributed computing interoperability with CORBA. The API includes the following features:
    • Invoke operations or remote network services
    • A fully compliant Java ORB is included in the runtime

  • Java Database Connectivity 2.0 (JDBC 2.0) Enhancements
    JDBC provides easier access to data for more flexible queries. Improved performance and stability are afforded by scrollable cursors and support for SQL3 types.

  • Collections Framework
    This new unified architecture represents and manipulates collections for development efficiency and allows interoperability among unrelated APIs.

  • The Java 2 platform is Year 2000-compliant; it is a stable, secure and powerful environment for mission-critical computing for the next milennium.

For a comprehensive list of features and more information regarding Java 2 technologies, visithttp://java.sun.com/products/jdk.

About Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Since its inception in 1982, a singular vision, "The Network Is The Computer™," has propelled Sun Microsystems, Inc. (NASDAQ: SUNW), to its position as a leading provider of high quality hardware, software and services for establishing enterprise-wide intranets and expanding the power of the Internet. With more than $10 billion in annual revenues, Sun can be found in more than 150 countries and on the World Wide Web athttp://www.sun.com.

For reader inquiries about Sun's Java products and programs, call (888) 843-5282; (512) 434-1591 for international callers.

Sun, the Sun logo, Sun Microsystems, Java, JDK, and The Network Is the Computer are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

PR Contacts for Press and Analysts:

Sun Microsystems, Inc.Burson-Marsteller for Sun
Penny Bruce
Carrie Motamedi

Press Release Finder

jdk 1.3



The Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition v 1.3 Provides Remarkable Performance Gains and Improved Web Deployment for the Enterprise

PALO ALTO, CA -- May 8, 2000 --Sun Microsystems, Inc. today announced the shipment of theJava 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE technology) version 1.3, the fast and secure foundation for building and deploying client-side enterprise applications. In todays .com world of nanosecond response times and information gratification, J2SE technology v 1.3 provides the speedy performance and high functionality that is demanded by Web users. With the inclusion of the Java HotSpot Client VM, this is the fastest release of the Java platform to date: When compared to the initial release of J2SE technology, J2SE technology v 1.3 boasts a 40% improvement in start-up time and a 25% smaller RAM footprint when measured against applications that use the Java Foundation Classes in a typical manner.

For end users, J2SE technology v 1.3 enables faster and easier use of functionally rich Web applications, such as corporate intranets and interactive shopping aids for eCommerce. For enterprise developers, the improved J2SE technology v 1.3 will serve as the base tool for creating sophisticated, valuable applications that can be brought to market quickly.

Sun has responded to customer requests to improve client-side Java technology performance. With the unprecedented performance gains and enhanced feature rich library of development tools in this latest version, customers now can confidently adopt the Java 2 platform on the client, said Rich Green, vice president of Java software development at Sun Microsystems, Inc. J2SE technology is the heart and soul of the Java 2 platform. It allows software developers to build network centric software that is compatible across all major platforms while protecting their customers IT investments.

Dramatic Enhancements in J2SE v 1.3

J2SE v 1.3 software is Sun's first upgrade release of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition since its release in December 1998. J2SE technology v 1.3 offers developers and users alike world-class performance, enterprise-ready deployment capabilities, and new functionality, including:
    Dramatically Faster Performance
    The Java HotSpot Client VM and performance-tuned libraries make the J2SE v 1.3 release the fastest to date. J2SE technology v 1.3 eliminates performance as a factor for companies considering the Java 2 platform as part of their client strategy.

    Easier Web Deployment
    New features such as applet caching and Java Optional Package installation through the Java Plug-in technology enhance the speed and flexibility with which Java technology-based applets and applications can be deployed. Java Plug-in technology is a component of the Java 2 runtime environment, Standard Edition v 1.3 and enables Java technology-based applets and applications to execute.

    Security Enhancements
    New support for RSA electronic signing, dynamic trust management, X.509 certificates, and verification of Netscape-signed files mean more ways for developers to protect electronic data.

    Ease of Development
    A host of new features and development tools in the J2SE technology v 1.3 release enables easier and faster development of powerful Web-enabled or standalone Java technology-based applications.

    Enterprise Interoperability
    The addition of RMI/IIOP and the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) to the J2SE 1.3 release enhances enterprise interoperability of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition. RMI/IIOP improves connectivity to backend systems supporting CORBA. JNDI provides access to directories that support the popular Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) among others.

Broad Industry Support of J2SE

Be Incorporated
"Our customers have expressed a great deal of interest in the Java platform on BeOS because they want to combine the benefits of Java technology with the power and simplicity of BeOS," said Steve Sakoman, chief operating officer of Be Incorporated. "We are currently porting J2SE technology to BeOS, and we are excited about the upcoming J2SE technology v 1.3. We anticipate a significant performance gain for Java technology-based solutions on BeOS using the J2SE technology v 1.3 with its Java HotSpot Client virtual machine."

"Compaq welcomes the improvements that are now available in J2SE technology v 1.3, such as RMI over IIOP," said Pauline Nist, Vice President and General Manager, Tandem Business Unit, Compaq Computer Corporation. "Speed is critical in Web-based environments, and the faster performance and the new features of v 1.3 of the J2SE technology promises significant benefits for our customers running mission-critical NonStop eBusiness solutions on Tru64 UNIX, OpenVMS AlphaServer, and NonStop Himalaya environments."

Computer Associates International, Inc.
"CA technology relies on Java technologies for deployment across a broad spectrum of client platforms," said Ken Farber, CA senior vice president, worldwide alliances. "The latest release of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition provides significant client side performance gains, while simplifying Web based deployment. Unicenter TNG and its components deliver a high performance and secure environment for network and system management, while Jasmine ii provides the perfect application base for eCommerce. The performance improvements offered by J2SE V1.3 position us to bring our client's eCommerce development and management environments to the next level."

Fujitsu Ltd.
"As an early supporter of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, Fujitsu is excited to be a part of the J2SE technology v 1.3 release. The Java 2 platform will be used for mission critical systems, and our customers in this area are especially interested in performance improvements. We expect that the latest release of J2SE technology will satisfy their requirements," said Mr.Shigeru Tanaka, Vice General Manager, Middleware pision, Software Group, Fujitsu Limited. "The J2SE platform is crucial to the success of INTERSTAGE, Fujitsu's Application Server Product."

GemStone Systems, Inc.
"GemStone is proud to have had a history of contributing to the evolution of the Java platform through participation in many expert groups," said Doug Pollack, vice president of marketing for GemStone Systems. "We are very excited to support the release of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition v. 1.3, and expect our e-business customers to benefit significantly from the improvements in performance, web deployment and CORBA."

"IBM is pleased with the enhancements delivered in J2SE technology v1.3, especially in the areas of accessibility, communication via RMI/IIOP to clients of all types, security and footprint reduction," said Rod Smith, Vice President Java Software, IBM. "We continue to work with Sun to mature the J2SE platform as a cornerstone technology for IBM, and customers, to deploy e-business solutions."

"We are thrilled to see the performance improvements in J2SE technology version 1.3 as they directly translate into huge productivity gains for our enterprise customers. Faster Java technology is what our enterprise customers have been demanding, and Sun has delivered with this release," said Tony de Lama, vice president, Java products development, Inprise/Borland. "We are also very pleased at how JBuilder, our development tool based on Java technology, works faster than ever before with the Java HotSpot Client VM."

KL Group
"KL Group's JClass and JProbe customers will benefit from the significant performance gains and enhanced functionality in J2SE technology v 1.3," said Ed Lycklama, chief technology officer at KL Group. "Enterprise customers rely on Sun and KL Group to help them gain competitive advantage by leveraging the full potential of Java technology. J2SE technology v 1.3 is an important contributor to their success, and we're committed to continuing our support of this critical platform."

"Metrowerks was one of the first companies to license Java technology from Sun, and we're dedicated to providing developers with the best Java technology tools available," said Greg Stoner, vice president of marketing, Metrowerks. "The latest release of J2SE technology, with its significant performance gains, will help us achieve that goal. CodeWarrior for Java, which supports development with J2SE technology v1.3, makes it easy for Java technology developers at any skill level to build applications that take advantage of the language's multi-platform benefits."

"As an early supporter of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, Netscape is excited to be a part of the release of J2SE technology v 1.3. The latest release of J2SE technology provides significant performance gains and simplified web deployment for browser users while maintaining freedom of choice for customers," said Jim Hamerly, vice president of the client product pision at Netscape. "The J2SE platform is important to the success of Netscape 6®, and we intend to ship a compatible version of our product in the second half of calendar 2000."

"Sun's latest release of the J2SE technology improves overall performance and will provide a more robust solution for Novell's ConsoleOne users," said Carl Ledbetter, senior vice president, strategy and corporate development at Novell. "As networks merge to one Net, a simplified and stable management service is critical. Novell's ConsoleOne leverages Java technology to accelerate and improve the administrator experience."

"Our own development team has been developing with the J2SE technology v 1.3 release candidates for the past several months. We have found it to be a dramatic step up in the areas of performance, drag and drop support, and the handling of keyboard shortcuts," said William Dwight, Vice President of Oracle's Java Tools Development. "Now, with the latest production release of Oracle® JDeveloper 3.1, developers can use our powerful development environment to build and debug applications based on J2SE technology v 1.3."

ProtoView Development Corp.
"We are very excited about the improvements in J2SE technology v 1.3 in speed and enhancements. Customers of our JFCSuite and JSuite will benefit significantly from the continued maturity of the Java platform," said Dean Guida, President of ProtoView Development Corp.

Rational Software
"Rational Software, the e-Development company, has a strong on-going commitment to supporting the Java 2 platform", said John Lambert, Vice President and General Manager of Rational's Developer Solutions Business Unit. "J2SE technology will allow us to better support Java technology developers by enhancing the performance of our Java technology development tools such as Rational Quantify and Rational PureCoverage. This will translate directly into additional productivity gains for our customers."

"We are excited to see the advancements Sun has made with the latest edition of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition," said Raj Nathan, senior vice president and general manager for the Internet Applications pision of Sybase. "With J2SE technology, Java software developers will experience significant performance gains and simplified Web deployment for their e-Business solutions."

Tidestone Technologies
"We have been a supporter of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, since its beginning and are eagerly anticipating the release of the J2SE technology v 1.3," said Joe Erickson, Vice President and Chief Architect, Tidestone Technologies, Inc. "This next release of J2SE technology will continue to push the performance of the Java platform to new heights and make the building of Web-deployed applications with our spreadsheet-driven reporting and analysis tool, Formula One, even easier than it is already. We plan to have a version of Formula One that is fully tested with J2SE technology v 1.3 as soon as possible after its release, most likely by June of 2000 at the latest."

"As one of the first deployment solutions to ship with Java 2 platform support, Zero G has anxiously anticipated the release of Sun's Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition v 1.3. We are taking full advantage of the platform's increased performance and scalability in the introduction of several new products this year," said Eric Shapiro, CEO of Zero G. "InstallAnywhere 3, our award-winning multi-platform deployment solution, enables software vendors to deliver J2SE technology v 1.3-compatible software today."

"As a strong supporter of the Java 2 Platform, WebGain is excited by the release of version 1.3 of the J2SE technology, " said Ted Farrell, CTO of WebGain. "The significant performance, security and interoperability improvements, along with the simplified web development and the enhanced debugging interface, will allow WebGain to provide leading edge, cross platform, standards based E-Commerce application development solutions to our customers."

Availability of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition v 1.3

As announced at Java BusinessSM event in December of 1999, source code for J2SE technology is available at no charge and can be downloaded through Suns Community Source Licensing (SCSL) program athttp://www.sun.com/communitysource. J2SE technology v 1.3 is available on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 2000 operating systems, with beta releases for both Linux and theSolaris Operating Environmentexpected to be available in June. Furthering its commitment to work with the Java community on future Java software development, Sun recently submitted the version J2SE technology v 1.4 to be developed through the Java Community Process program. The Java 2 Software Development Kit, Standard Edition v 1.3 binary download is available fromhttp://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/download-windows.html. The Java 2 Software Development Kit, Standard Edition is bundled with Sun's Forte for Java, Community Edition integrated development environment (IDE). Third party IDE tools are also available for download, and the standalone Java 2 Software Development Kit, Standard Edition v 1.3 can be downloaded without an IDE.

Don't Miss the JavaOneSM Conference: Celebrate Five Years of Java Technology Innovation!

JavaOne, Sun's 2000 Worldwide Java Developer Conference, promises to be the ultimate dot-com developer summit this year, with four days of the very latest Java technology information and education at Moscone Center, San Francisco, June 6 - 9. Celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Java platform the power behind the networked economy with more sessions, more speakers, more exhibitors, and more opportunities than ever to meet and mingle with tens of thousands of the world's best and brightest Java technology developers. To get the latest information and to register online, visithttp://java.sun.com/javaone/or dial 1-888-886-8769 (or 1-781-433-1509 for calls outside the US). For press inquiries, contact Carolon Gentile at 650-372-6765 ormedia_registration@zd.com.

About Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Since its inception in 1982, a singular vision -- "The Network is The Computer" -- has propelled Sun Microsystems (Nasdaq:SUNW) to its position as a leading provider of industrial-strength hardware, software and services that power the Internet and allow companies worldwide to ".com" their businesses. With $14 billion in annual revenues, Sun can be found in more than 170 countries and on the World Wide Web athttp://www.sun.com.

Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun Logo, Java, J2SE, The Java Community Process, Java Business, Solaris, JavaOne, Java HotSpot, Java Plug-in, Java Naming and Directory Interface, Java Business, Java Developer Conference, Forte for Java, Community Edition and The Network Is The Computer are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other third party product or service names mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.

PR Contacts for Press and Analysts:

Sun Microsystems, Inc.Burson-Marsteller for Sun
Susan Struble
Kim Evans
415-591- 4053

Press Release Finder

jdk 1.4




The Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition v 1.3 Provides Remarkable Performance Gains and Improved Web Deployment for the Enterprise

PALO ALTO, CA -- May 8, 2000 --Sun Microsystems, Inc. today announced the shipment of theJava 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE technology) version 1.3, the fast and secure foundation for building and deploying client-side enterprise applications. In todays .com world of nanosecond response times and information gratification, J2SE technology v 1.3 provides the speedy performance and high functionality that is demanded by Web users. With the inclusion of the Java HotSpot Client VM, this is the fastest release of the Java platform to date: When compared to the initial release of J2SE technology, J2SE technology v 1.3 boasts a 40% improvement in start-up time and a 25% smaller RAM footprint when measured against applications that use the Java Foundation Classes in a typical manner.

For end users, J2SE technology v 1.3 enables faster and easier use of functionally rich Web applications, such as corporate intranets and interactive shopping aids for eCommerce. For enterprise developers, the improved J2SE technology v 1.3 will serve as the base tool for creating sophisticated, valuable applications that can be brought to market quickly.

Sun has responded to customer requests to improve client-side Java technology performance. With the unprecedented performance gains and enhanced feature rich library of development tools in this latest version, customers now can confidently adopt the Java 2 platform on the client, said Rich Green, vice president of Java software development at Sun Microsystems, Inc. J2SE technology is the heart and soul of the Java 2 platform. It allows software developers to build network centric software that is compatible across all major platforms while protecting their customers IT investments.

Dramatic Enhancements in J2SE v 1.3

J2SE v 1.3 software is Sun's first upgrade release of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition since its release in December 1998. J2SE technology v 1.3 offers developers and users alike world-class performance, enterprise-ready deployment capabilities, and new functionality, including:
    Dramatically Faster Performance
    The Java HotSpot Client VM and performance-tuned libraries make the J2SE v 1.3 release the fastest to date. J2SE technology v 1.3 eliminates performance as a factor for companies considering the Java 2 platform as part of their client strategy.

    Easier Web Deployment
    New features such as applet caching and Java Optional Package installation through the Java Plug-in technology enhance the speed and flexibility with which Java technology-based applets and applications can be deployed. Java Plug-in technology is a component of the Java 2 runtime environment, Standard Edition v 1.3 and enables Java technology-based applets and applications to execute.

    Security Enhancements
    New support for RSA electronic signing, dynamic trust management, X.509 certificates, and verification of Netscape-signed files mean more ways for developers to protect electronic data.

    Ease of Development
    A host of new features and development tools in the J2SE technology v 1.3 release enables easier and faster development of powerful Web-enabled or standalone Java technology-based applications.

    Enterprise Interoperability
    The addition of RMI/IIOP and the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) to the J2SE 1.3 release enhances enterprise interoperability of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition. RMI/IIOP improves connectivity to backend systems supporting CORBA. JNDI provides access to directories that support the popular Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) among others.

Broad Industry Support of J2SE

Be Incorporated
"Our customers have expressed a great deal of interest in the Java platform on BeOS because they want to combine the benefits of Java technology with the power and simplicity of BeOS," said Steve Sakoman, chief operating officer of Be Incorporated. "We are currently porting J2SE technology to BeOS, and we are excited about the upcoming J2SE technology v 1.3. We anticipate a significant performance gain for Java technology-based solutions on BeOS using the J2SE technology v 1.3 with its Java HotSpot Client virtual machine."

"Compaq welcomes the improvements that are now available in J2SE technology v 1.3, such as RMI over IIOP," said Pauline Nist, Vice President and General Manager, Tandem Business Unit, Compaq Computer Corporation. "Speed is critical in Web-based environments, and the faster performance and the new features of v 1.3 of the J2SE technology promises significant benefits for our customers running mission-critical NonStop eBusiness solutions on Tru64 UNIX, OpenVMS AlphaServer, and NonStop Himalaya environments."

Computer Associates International, Inc.
"CA technology relies on Java technologies for deployment across a broad spectrum of client platforms," said Ken Farber, CA senior vice president, worldwide alliances. "The latest release of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition provides significant client side performance gains, while simplifying Web based deployment. Unicenter TNG and its components deliver a high performance and secure environment for network and system management, while Jasmine ii provides the perfect application base for eCommerce. The performance improvements offered by J2SE V1.3 position us to bring our client's eCommerce development and management environments to the next level."

Fujitsu Ltd.
"As an early supporter of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, Fujitsu is excited to be a part of the J2SE technology v 1.3 release. The Java 2 platform will be used for mission critical systems, and our customers in this area are especially interested in performance improvements. We expect that the latest release of J2SE technology will satisfy their requirements," said Mr.Shigeru Tanaka, Vice General Manager, Middleware pision, Software Group, Fujitsu Limited. "The J2SE platform is crucial to the success of INTERSTAGE, Fujitsu's Application Server Product."

GemStone Systems, Inc.
"GemStone is proud to have had a history of contributing to the evolution of the Java platform through participation in many expert groups," said Doug Pollack, vice president of marketing for GemStone Systems. "We are very excited to support the release of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition v. 1.3, and expect our e-business customers to benefit significantly from the improvements in performance, web deployment and CORBA."

"IBM is pleased with the enhancements delivered in J2SE technology v1.3, especially in the areas of accessibility, communication via RMI/IIOP to clients of all types, security and footprint reduction," said Rod Smith, Vice President Java Software, IBM. "We continue to work with Sun to mature the J2SE platform as a cornerstone technology for IBM, and customers, to deploy e-business solutions."

"We are thrilled to see the performance improvements in J2SE technology version 1.3 as they directly translate into huge productivity gains for our enterprise customers. Faster Java technology is what our enterprise customers have been demanding, and Sun has delivered with this release," said Tony de Lama, vice president, Java products development, Inprise/Borland. "We are also very pleased at how JBuilder, our development tool based on Java technology, works faster than ever before with the Java HotSpot Client VM."

KL Group
"KL Group's JClass and JProbe customers will benefit from the significant performance gains and enhanced functionality in J2SE technology v 1.3," said Ed Lycklama, chief technology officer at KL Group. "Enterprise customers rely on Sun and KL Group to help them gain competitive advantage by leveraging the full potential of Java technology. J2SE technology v 1.3 is an important contributor to their success, and we're committed to continuing our support of this critical platform."

"Metrowerks was one of the first companies to license Java technology from Sun, and we're dedicated to providing developers with the best Java technology tools available," said Greg Stoner, vice president of marketing, Metrowerks. "The latest release of J2SE technology, with its significant performance gains, will help us achieve that goal. CodeWarrior for Java, which supports development with J2SE technology v1.3, makes it easy for Java technology developers at any skill level to build applications that take advantage of the language's multi-platform benefits."

"As an early supporter of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, Netscape is excited to be a part of the release of J2SE technology v 1.3. The latest release of J2SE technology provides significant performance gains and simplified web deployment for browser users while maintaining freedom of choice for customers," said Jim Hamerly, vice president of the client product pision at Netscape. "The J2SE platform is important to the success of Netscape 6®, and we intend to ship a compatible version of our product in the second half of calendar 2000."

"Sun's latest release of the J2SE technology improves overall performance and will provide a more robust solution for Novell's ConsoleOne users," said Carl Ledbetter, senior vice president, strategy and corporate development at Novell. "As networks merge to one Net, a simplified and stable management service is critical. Novell's ConsoleOne leverages Java technology to accelerate and improve the administrator experience."

"Our own development team has been developing with the J2SE technology v 1.3 release candidates for the past several months. We have found it to be a dramatic step up in the areas of performance, drag and drop support, and the handling of keyboard shortcuts," said William Dwight, Vice President of Oracle's Java Tools Development. "Now, with the latest production release of Oracle® JDeveloper 3.1, developers can use our powerful development environment to build and debug applications based on J2SE technology v 1.3."

ProtoView Development Corp.
"We are very excited about the improvements in J2SE technology v 1.3 in speed and enhancements. Customers of our JFCSuite and JSuite will benefit significantly from the continued maturity of the Java platform," said Dean Guida, President of ProtoView Development Corp.

Rational Software
"Rational Software, the e-Development company, has a strong on-going commitment to supporting the Java 2 platform", said John Lambert, Vice President and General Manager of Rational's Developer Solutions Business Unit. "J2SE technology will allow us to better support Java technology developers by enhancing the performance of our Java technology development tools such as Rational Quantify and Rational PureCoverage. This will translate directly into additional productivity gains for our customers."

"We are excited to see the advancements Sun has made with the latest edition of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition," said Raj Nathan, senior vice president and general manager for the Internet Applications pision of Sybase. "With J2SE technology, Java software developers will experience significant performance gains and simplified Web deployment for their e-Business solutions."

Tidestone Technologies
"We have been a supporter of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, since its beginning and are eagerly anticipating the release of the J2SE technology v 1.3," said Joe Erickson, Vice President and Chief Architect, Tidestone Technologies, Inc. "This next release of J2SE technology will continue to push the performance of the Java platform to new heights and make the building of Web-deployed applications with our spreadsheet-driven reporting and analysis tool, Formula One, even easier than it is already. We plan to have a version of Formula One that is fully tested with J2SE technology v 1.3 as soon as possible after its release, most likely by June of 2000 at the latest."

"As one of the first deployment solutions to ship with Java 2 platform support, Zero G has anxiously anticipated the release of Sun's Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition v 1.3. We are taking full advantage of the platform's increased performance and scalability in the introduction of several new products this year," said Eric Shapiro, CEO of Zero G. "InstallAnywhere 3, our award-winning multi-platform deployment solution, enables software vendors to deliver J2SE technology v 1.3-compatible software today."

"As a strong supporter of the Java 2 Platform, WebGain is excited by the release of version 1.3 of the J2SE technology, " said Ted Farrell, CTO of WebGain. "The significant performance, security and interoperability improvements, along with the simplified web development and the enhanced debugging interface, will allow WebGain to provide leading edge, cross platform, standards based E-Commerce application development solutions to our customers."

Availability of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition v 1.3

As announced at Java BusinessSM event in December of 1999, source code for J2SE technology is available at no charge and can be downloaded through Suns Community Source Licensing (SCSL) program athttp://www.sun.com/communitysource. J2SE technology v 1.3 is available on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 2000 operating systems, with beta releases for both Linux and theSolaris Operating Environmentexpected to be available in June. Furthering its commitment to work with the Java community on future Java software development, Sun recently submitted the version J2SE technology v 1.4 to be developed through the Java Community Process program. The Java 2 Software Development Kit, Standard Edition v 1.3 binary download is available fromhttp://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/download-windows.html. The Java 2 Software Development Kit, Standard Edition is bundled with Sun's Forte for Java, Community Edition integrated development environment (IDE). Third party IDE tools are also available for download, and the standalone Java 2 Software Development Kit, Standard Edition v 1.3 can be downloaded without an IDE.

Don't Miss the JavaOneSM Conference: Celebrate Five Years of Java Technology Innovation!

JavaOne, Sun's 2000 Worldwide Java Developer Conference, promises to be the ultimate dot-com developer summit this year, with four days of the very latest Java technology information and education at Moscone Center, San Francisco, June 6 - 9. Celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Java platform the power behind the networked economy with more sessions, more speakers, more exhibitors, and more opportunities than ever to meet and mingle with tens of thousands of the world's best and brightest Java technology developers. To get the latest information and to register online, visithttp://java.sun.com/javaone/or dial 1-888-886-8769 (or 1-781-433-1509 for calls outside the US). For press inquiries, contact Carolon Gentile at 650-372-6765 ormedia_registration@zd.com.

About Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Since its inception in 1982, a singular vision -- "The Network is The Computer" -- has propelled Sun Microsystems (Nasdaq:SUNW) to its position as a leading provider of industrial-strength hardware, software and services that power the Internet and allow companies worldwide to ".com" their businesses. With $14 billion in annual revenues, Sun can be found in more than 170 countries and on the World Wide Web athttp://www.sun.com.

Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun Logo, Java, J2SE, The Java Community Process, Java Business, Solaris, JavaOne, Java HotSpot, Java Plug-in, Java Naming and Directory Interface, Java Business, Java Developer Conference, Forte for Java, Community Edition and The Network Is The Computer are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other third party product or service names mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.

PR Contacts for Press and Analysts:

Sun Microsystems, Inc.Burson-Marsteller for Sun
Susan Struble
Kim Evans
415-591- 4053

Press Release Finder

jdk 1.5


Sun Ships New Version of Java Platform

Sun Ships New Version of Java Platform

Over 100 New Features Set J2SE 5.0 for Next Generation of Java Developers

SANTA CLARA, Calif. - September 30, 2004 - Sun Microsystems, Inc. (Nasdaq: SUNW), the creator and leading advocate of Java(tm) technology, today announced the general availability ofJava 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE(tm)) 5.0. As one of the largest-scale projects developed through theJava Community Process(sm) (JCP(sm)), J2SE 5.0 involved nearly 160 expert members designing over 100 features that drive extensive developer benefits including ease of use, overall performance and scalability, system monitoring and management, and rich client desktop development. Easier to use with record breaking performance and quality, J2SE 5.0 is being heralded as the most significant upgrade to the Java platform and programming language in nearly a decade.

"J2SE 5.0 is delivering greatly improved developer productivity and outstanding quality by relying on the deep values of the Java language," said Graham Hamilton, vice president, Sun fellow and lead architect for the J2SE 5.0 release. "Working through 15 Java Community Process expert groups, the Java community has delivered the most significant update ever to the Java platform. It sets the stage for the next wave of network systems innovation."

Java Evolves to Meet Emerging Needs of Programmers and Applications

J2SE 5.0 is derived from the work of 15 component Java Specification Requests (JSRs) encompassing advanced capabilities for the language and platform. Industry leaders participating in the J2SE 5.0 expert group include Apache Software Foundation, Apple Computer, BEA Systems, Borland Software Corporation, Cisco Systems, Fujitsu Limited, HP, IBM, Macromedia, Nokia Corporation, Oracle, SAP AG, SAS Institute, SavaJe Technologies and Sun Microsystems. Highlights of the new Java platform include:

  • Ease of development: Java language programmers can be more efficient and productive with new Java language features that enable faster and more secure coding. Generics, enumerated types, metadata and autoboxing of primitive types enable easier and faster coding.

  • Monitoring and management: A key focus for the new platform release, the Java Virtual Machine and Java technology-based applications can be monitored and managed with the built-in support for Java Management Extensions. This helps ensure your employees', customer's and partner's systems stay up and running longer. Support for SNMP-based enterprise management systems is also viable.

  • Rich client desktop: A new, more modern default Java technology-based application look and feel provides an up-to-date GUI for Java technology-based applications. J2SE 5.0 has full internationalization support and also features support for hardware acceleration via the OpenGL(R) API for Linux and Solaris(tm) operating systems.

  • Greater Performance and scalability: The new release includes performance improvements such as faster startup time, a smaller memory footprint, and JVM auto-tuning to drive greater overall application and development performance on J2SE 5.0 over previous versions.

"In accord with the increasingly open Java Community Process policies and guidelines, several major components of J2SE 5.0 were conceived and led by members of the Java development community," said Doug Lea, professor at the State University of New York, Oswego. "All 15 component JSRs had plenty of community involvement, leading to more advice, feedback, review, testing and midcourse improvements than ever before in a major Java platform release. As specification lead for the Concurrency Utilities specification, it's great to see the results of all these component JSRs efficiently coordinated and available in J2SE."

"Above all else, this is a developer-focused release. When the Java platform was introduced by James Gosling and his team in 1995, it took off like a rocket because it struck a chord with developers A? and J2SE 5.0 is building on that legacy," said Joshua Bloch, specification lead for new language features (JSR-201), metadata (JSR-175) and author ofEffective Java(Addison Wesley, 2001). "I've had the good fortune to use the new features for the last year-and-a-half in the course of their development. I find them a joy to use and I have every confidence that other developers will too."

The Java technology platform's leadership and impact on innovation in the network computing industry is undisputed. The J2SE platform is the foundation platform for delivering Java on the desktop and throughout the enterprise. Over the course of both beta phases for the release, over a half million downloads of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Software Development Kit (SDK) have signaled tremendous interest in the Java platform among developers.

The installed base of Java-based technology users continues to dominate in the enterprise and on the desktop with an estimated 150 million downloads of J2SE since its availability in December 1998. Additionally, nine out of the 10 leading PC manufacturers, cumulatively representing over 60 percent of the PC market, are now factory-installing the Java Runtime Environment on their systems. These manufacturers include Acer, Apple, Dell, Gateway, HP, Fujitsu-Siemens, Samsung, Tsinghua Tongfang and Toshiba.

"Beyond the technical improvements delivered by J2SE 5.0 over its predecessors, we were pleased to observe tight collaboration across the community in the development of this new platform," said Geir Magnusson Jr., The Apache Software Foundation's JCP SE/EE Executive Committee member. "Inpidual, academic, open source and corporate entities have worked together to deliver what is now the best Java Platform the Java development community has ever seen," added Pier Fumagalli, The Apache Software Foundation's representative on the J2SE Expert Group. "This is a major step in the right direction, and we are looking forward to even broader community participation and process transparency for J2SE 6."

"J2SE 5.0 is the culmination of many years' work and a major step forward for the Java community" said George Paolini, Vice President and General Manager of Borland's Developer Tools Business Unit. "Enterprises around the globe will benefit from the ability to extend legacy systems through its implementation of web services and be able to integrate heterogeneous environments much more easily than before. Borland's Jbuilder 2005 is among the first Java development tools to fully support J2SE 5.0. and make this a reality."

In conjunction with todayA?s news, Zero G Software announced that it is the first to deliver full installer support for J2SE 5.0. Users of InstallAnywhere from Zero G, the de facto standard for multiplatform software deployment and delivery and the most widely used installer authoring tool for Java-enabled software, will reap the benefits of the newest Java features including the ability to bundle the J2SE virtual machine with installers, and have their applications use J2SE 5.0. The integration of J2SE 5.0 functionality also provides InstallAnywhere users with a significant increase in installer and build performance.

"InstallAnywhere has always been the first to support the latest innovations in Java technology," said Eric N. Shapiro, CEO at Zero G Software. "Working with Sun, we are continuing our commitment to provide customers with the latest technologies to improve the software installation process by integrating support for J2SE 5.0, and jump-starting its adoption by the thousands of developers who use InstallAnywhere for deploying Java-based applications."

Pricing and Availability

The J2SE 5.0 platform and JRE are now available for download athttp://www.java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.jsp. For more information on Java, visit the Sun Developer Network atwww.sun.com/developers.

About the Java Community Process

Since its introduction in 1998 as the open, inclusive process to develop and revise Java technology specifications, reference implementations and technology compatibility kits, the Java Community Process program has fostered the evolution of the Java platform in cooperation with the international Java developer community. The JCP has over 800 company and inpidual participants; more than 250 Java technology specifications are in development in the JCP program, of which 46 percent are in final stages. For more information on the JCP program, please visithttp://jcp.org

About Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Since its inception in 1982, a singular vision -- "The Network Is The Computer" -- has propelled Sun Microsystems, Inc. (Nasdaq: SUNW) to its position as a leading provider of industrial-strength hardware, software and services that make the Net work. Sun can be found in more than 100 countries and on the World Wide Web athttp://sun.com

Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, Java, J2SE, Java Community Process, JCP, Solaris and The Network Is The Computer are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. OpenGL (R) is a trademark or registered trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries worldwide.

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Release Notes

JDK Documentation

The Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 Development Kit (JDK 6) is a feature release of the Java platform. It contains new features and enhancements in many functional areas.

See the following links to release information about enhancements, changes, bugs, installation, runtime deployment, and documentation. Release Notes files are located on our website only and arenotin the documentation download bundle, unless otherwise noted.

New Features and EnhancementsInstalling Java SE (All Platfoms)
Java SE 6, Platform Name and Version Numbers(also in docs bundle)Installing Plug-in for Linux
Installing Plug-in for Solaris
Compatibility with Previous Releases
Font Requirements for SolarisJDK README(also in JDK/JRE product bundle)
Supported System ConfigurationsJRE README(also in JRE product bundle)
Known Bugs and IssuesDocumentation Index(also in docs bundle)
Update Release Notes(Fixed Bugs and Changes in Update Releases)
Submitting a Bug Report and Available Support OptionsCopyright and License Terms for Documentation(also in docs bundle)

jdk 1.7


JDK 7 Release Notes

The Java Platform, Standard Edition 7 Development Kit (JDK 7) is a feature release of the Java platform. It contains new features and enhancements in many functional areas.

See the following links to release information about enhancements, changes, bugs, installation, runtime deployment, and documentation. Release Notes files are located on our website only and are not in the documentation download bundle, unless otherwise noted.

Features and EnhancementsandKnown Issues
Compatibility with earlier releases
Terminology (Names and Versions Numbers)

JDK 7 and JRE 7 Certified System Configurations
JDK 7 and JRE 7 Supported Locales
JDK 7 Installation Guide (All Platfoms)
JDK 7 Troubleshooting Guide
JDK 7 Adoption Guide

Developer Guides and API Documentation


Submitting a Bug Report and Available Support Options
Copyright and License Terms for Documentation(also in docs bundle)

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